About the therapist

Hello, I'm Brigita

I am a certified massage therapist (VTCT Level 3 diploma in massage), a full member of FHT (the Federation of Holistic Therapists), certified in Swedish Massage, Deep Tissue Massage, Lymphatic Drainage Massage, Chair/Seated Acupressure on-site massage and Hopi Ear Candling. I am fully insured.

I always had a „sixth sense“ that I should try myself in a professional massage therapy job, as I noticed that my massage (even before I learned it professionally) would help my friends to get rid of back pain and to relax. I have my vision of massage therapy. I believe that I should not simply „rub“ the body, make assumptions, or follow routine schemes. As every human body is unique, with a unique story… I let your body tell its story to my hands and my hands work accordingly to it. And I believe that massage should not cause severe pain. When the body is enduring pain it’s being traumatized and there is no healing in trauma. Healing starts from relaxation… Of course in the Deep Tissue Massage, movements get deeper and stronger, especially when applying pressure on the trigger points, but it still should be some „good sweet“ pain.

The principles I follow in my massage therapy:

Not only the technique but also the energy is important!

I meditate daily and do my best to keep my mind clean and positive to come to you with good caring energy, sincerely wishing the best for every client.

Your comfort during massage is essential.

So I give enough time to be sure you are in a comfortable position, feeling warm (the electric blanket and warm oil help with this) and nothing is irritating you, so you could not only have the therapeutic effect from the massage but a good relaxing experience overall.

You know yourself the best,

so you tell me and I hear you – how do you feel today, what was bothering you recently, what do you expect from the massage, what do you want me to concentrate on?

I don’t comment on your body.

If you want to talk during the massage – I will listen to you,

but I won’t bother you with my talking, the best relaxation is in silence with pleasant silent music on.

I am a certified massage therapist, a member of FHT, fully insured, DBS checked, registered with data protection.

Massage isn’t a luxury! It’s a way to keep your body and mind healthy

Mobile massage – healing therapy massage in the comfort of your home, office or hotel in Liverpool and around

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